Police and sheriff departments, schools, youth groups and businesses rely on LogicTree IT Solutions mobile apps to reach their communities. Learn how these organizations used their mobile apps as an efficient system to broadcast important updates.
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Lompoc PD’s App Leads to Arrest
The Lompoc Police Departments Smart Phone Mobile App was introduced to the public in the first week of November 2015. Since its launch the app has been downloaded 6,400 times. The smart phone app has increased the communication between the city residents and its police department. A recent arrest of a wanted subject is an example of this.
On 1/13/16 at approximately 2244 hours, Lompoc Police Dispatch received a call regarding a wanted subject. The caller wished to be anonymous, but stated they had seen the wanted subject from the Lompoc Police App at a local 7-11 business. Lompoc Police Officers responded and located Joshua James Tubbs in a vehicle in the parking lot of the 7-11. Tubbs had a no-bail warrant for his arrest and was taken into custody without incident. Tubbs had been on the run for over 6 months and in violation of his probation terms.
If this citizen had not seen the wanted information and picture of Joshua Tubbs he would not have been arrested that night and may have still been outstanding. The Police Department wants to remind its citizens that in no way does the smart phone app replace calling 911 for emergencies. The app is designed to provide citizens with a communication tool to assist the department in keeping the Lompoc Community safe.
Press Release Prepared by:
Sgt. Martin
El Rancho School, Carmichael, CA
Young students and teachers at El Rancho School in Carmichael were just beginning their day in their elementary and preschool classrooms when Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver was gunned down in a nearby parking lot. The tragic event set off a two-county shooting rampage, forcing thousands of school children into lockdown.
Principal Holly Olson acted quickly to keep students safe, then turned to technology to immediately notify parents of the situation as the sounds of sirens and helicopters pierced the normally quiet neighborhood where the high-speed chase began.
Using the inSchoolHub mobile app, Olson sent three push notifications to parents: The first one notified them of the lockdown order and that their children were safe, the second one assured parents there was no need to pick up their students early, and the final one indicated the lockdown was lifted. The communication reassured parents and prevented confusion among families and faculty.
"Using inSchoolHub was a huge timesaver," said Olson. "It's much more efficient than phone calls and emails to parents, especially when it comes to an emergency situation. I was able to keep parents updated in minutes while I tended to the safety of their children. That peace of mind — for parents and for me — is priceless."
Olson only needed her smart phone, password and keys when she left her office to deal with the crisis at the school. While the inSchoolHub communication system is easy and efficient to use, she noted, "Having the LogicTree IT Solutions customer service representative in my pocket for back-up made all the difference in the world."
Parents responded well to the inSchoolHub push notification system, and Olson said her goal is to get all of her students' parents to download the free app.
Dated 8/16/17
I wanted to thank you and Logictree for your product and customer service. With just short of year using the USPD Hub application, the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Office has come to rely on the quick turnaround of information to our community. Your product assisted in the timely evacuation notification and subsequent information sharing to over 1000 residents in my county last summer during two separate wildfire events. The app has basically become our public information officer, and literally has changed the way we do business every day in regards to notifying our citizens of not only hazardous conditions, but community events, recruitment and press releases. Our citizens love the application and the ease of interacting with their Sheriff’s Office.
Thank you Seth for all you have done, to make our efforts much more efficient as well as increase our partnership with our community,
Dated 10/23/2017
Having used the app for emergency notifications for the last two summers now, a large amount of people are using it to communicate with my Office.
I have received overwhelming support not just from the community members but the media also. The RCSO was noticed in the Missoulian newspaper for our use of the app during this year's fire season and my local journalists all report that the app makes their jobs easier also. The app has basically become my public information officer. We are receiving outstanding reviews via the current survey and finding more ways to use the app to keep our community informed. The directed call feature is also having a significant impact in helping people quickly and easily get the information they need from my office.
Thanks for everything,
“USPDhub simplified our police department’s process of distributing information to citizens and the media, as well as receiving crime tips from the community. It’s increased our department’s productivity with tools to create and send consistent crime reports, citizen alerts and media releases — especially during breaking events.
We can push out information at the same time on multiple channels, including social media. Best of all, it’s simple to use and set up. You can’t break it.”
After reviewing and seeing the demonstration on the App, I was able to see how effective and user friendly the App actually was. As a City Police Department we continue working on new ways to improve and create additional open lines of communication between the Police Department and the Community we serve. The App meets that need and fills a void that was missing regarding community expectations of modern communications and interaction methods. We had tried social media with limited results and found it difficult to receive accurate information in return. Social media is time consuming and requires personnel to monitor multiple social media sites. The App allows the Department to push out important information and alerts directly to our App users and created a useful and manageable tool for us to receive crime tips and case leads without everyone else knowing about it.
We have created polls and surveys that allow the citizens to provide us their input through anonymous and recorded methods. They are now also able to contact us directly through the App via phone, message or email. This has been a valuable tool in our agency's accreditation process as well by providing us with monitoring and tracking abilities. In all , the App has proven to be a valuable asset to our agencies and community.
Being able to keep the community apprised of crucial events and details during a time of emergency is a concern for every Police Department. Having the ability to keep the community up to date at the mobile device level, is a huge step in the right direction. USPDhub provides the means for our department to accomplish that mission.
Our agency was using an antiquated process to communicate between crisis counselors, law enforcement officers and shelter management. This usually meant there was a gap in quality and accuracy of communication. Since we started using the DVRT app, we have streamlined our internal communications, increased our response time and manage cases much more effectively. Along with push button notification, as well as many other features, our communication is seamless, accurate and timely. Since the integration of this program we will save approximately 300 man hours per year that can be distributed back to the first response versus desk time. Our data collection capability has expanded with ease increasing our potentiality for new funding. The DVRT app is absolutely one of the best decisions we've ever made. This program gives us confidence and solidity during times of crisis helping us be better at what we do!
Earlier this year I took over as Chief of Police for the Truth or Consequences Police Department, and later learned we had previously purchased the USPD HUB mobile app. I became aware of this when my very good friend and colleague Chief Anthony Miranda of the Irwindale, Ca. Police Department showed me what his staff were doing with the USPD HUB Mobile App and the far reaching positive impact it has had on building a trust and confidence based relationship with their community. I realized we had the app but in no manner were we utilizing this incredible resource to its potential. I contacted your office with some basic questions, you scheduled an online presentation, and after 30 minutes I was navigating, developing and ultimately implementing this app tailor made for the community we serve.
I want to commend your level of customer service, truly you have set the standard. Although my great colleague Chief Miranda extended his assistance in helping us fully explore this app, your customer service in 30 minutes had us working with this like we developed it ourselves. In the short time we have advertised the app, our downloads have increased, and the unlimited resources it provides us in networking in an interactive manner with the community we serve is incredible. This resource has allowed our agency to network and build community bridges in a manner we never thought possible. On behalf of the Men & Women of the Truth or Consequences Police Department, Thank you
With today’s innovative and technological advanced era, few companies have been able to deliver effective time-saving electronic communication opportunities. USPD Hub is an incredible groundbreaking communication outreach tool that has reduced significant staff time , oversight and increases relevant and timely information in a two-way communication platform between our police officers and our community. USPD Hub, has been phenomenal in helping us locate suspects, delivering safety information and getting feedback from community members, in a quick mobile friendly environment. We are truly excited about its use in the future!
I wanted to send you this email to tell you how much I have appreciated your excellent customer service. From the first time I talked with you about the possibilities of purchasing the Mobile App, you have been nothing but stellar with your follow-up and patience (with me). As you know, it took me quite awhile to convince my City Manager to approve the purchase of the Mobile App. I was under a bit of time pressure as I really wanted to have the Mobile App up and running in time for our annual Tualatin Crawfish Festival and the National Night Out events that our police department is very involved with.
Once I received the approval to purchase the Mobile App, the two of you went out of your way to do everything within your power to have us up and running in time for these two large events. You had business cards already printed for us that included the QR-Scan code and had the Mobile App available on Android, Widows, and Apple products in record time.
The training you gave to our staff via “GoToMeetings” was very beneficial for our staff. Seth, you took the time to physically come to our city during Crawfish Festival to see how things were going and to make sure our staff was properly trained. You exceeded my expectations when I saw you spend most of your time at the Police Booth and actually helping people download the new Mobile App. Every time I have called either one of you, you have always been available and responsive. If you didn’t have the immediate answer or solution, you were quick to find out for me and call me back. You have given our staff great tips on how to get people to download the Mobile App, which has helped us immensely. Now let me share with you some of the feedback I have received from our officers and from my own personal experiences…
Once our officers became familiar with the Mobile App, they found that it was a great ice-breaker for conversations with citizens. In fact, they said it was much easier for them to approach people and simply ask them if they have heard of our new Mobile App and then demonstrate to them how it works. During our National Night Out event, I saw four teenage boys tossing a football around and thought I would join them. After a few minutes, we stopped passing the ball and I asked them if I could see their smart-phones. They looked at me funny and smiled, so I told them, “Come on guys, I know every teenager has a smart-phone.” They pulled their phones out of their pockets and I said, “Okay, let me show you how to download a really cool Mobile App.” I showed them how to do it and then walked them through examples of how they (as teenagers) could use the Mobile App. They all thought it was cool and said they would pass it on to their friends.
A new business just moved into our town and they have a rather large facility with a product that is sensitive in nature. No, I’m not talking about a marijuana dispensary. When new businesses come to town, I like to reach out to them and introduce myself. In this situation, I took our command staff with me and we met with a small group of managers for the new business. During our conversation, they said they know how to contact us if they have an emergency (9-1-1), but wanted to know the best way to contact us for non-emergencies. I seized the opportunity to tell them all to get their phones out and on the conference table. I then took the next few minutes to show them how to download the Mobile App and how to use it. They were all very impressed with the idea and concept. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that we are having better luck and more positive responses for our members to actually take the time to show people how to download the Mobile App and how to use it.
Our department has been marketing this Mobile App quite extensively and several people who downloaded the app and played around with it, sent a “Thank-a-Cop” message to us by using the Mobile App. They attached photos of themselves and/or one of our officers and said how much they appreciated our police department and for providing them with this new Mobile App.
Another example is that one of our residents just happens to be a radio talk-show host in the Portland-Metropolitan area. I listen to him every morning on my way to work and several times he will refer to our police department and how we have our act together. The other day, he sent me an email and said he found out about our Mobile App and has downloaded it and used it. He wanted to interview me on the radio about it and he really gave our department and the Mobile App a marvellous review. I have attached a copy of the interview to this email and hope that you are able to open it to hear what he had to say. If you decide to use the recorded interview for any promotions, I would simply ask that you give credit to 1190-KEX radio in Portland. The talk show host’s name is, Michael Castner.
Well, I’ve gone on long enough. As you can tell, I’m thrilled with the Mobile App and appreciative of your customer service. I hope that we will continue to increase the number of downloads so we can stay engaged with as many of our community members as possible. It’s a great way to send out the positive stories of our police department to the community members we actually serve.
As a Board Member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), I will be seeking you out at our annual conference in Chicago this coming October. You are welcome to refer anyone to me as a reference for your Mobile App. I guarantee I will speak highly of your product and service.
“Using inSchoolHub was a huge timesaver during a recent law enforcement crisis near our school. It’s much more efficient than phone calls and emails to parents, especially when it comes to an emergency situation. I was able to keep parents updated in minutes while I tended to the safety of their children. That peace of mind — for parents and for me — is priceless.
Many thanks to your company for this valuable app and the important support that you provide.”